MANAGING LIQUIDITY RISK IN VOLATILE CONDITIONS: STRATEGIES FOR CREDIT PROFESSIONALS Posted on05 Jun 2023Tagscredit management, liquidity, managing liquidity, payment termsComments0 This article provides you insights into how to identify liquidity issues among your customers and how to increase profitable sales through effective credit management tools, when business conditions are volatile.
Unlocking the Secrets of Bank References Posted on23 Mar 2023Tagsbank, credit managementComments0 The failure of Silicon Valley Bank, the Signature Bank and recently Credit Suisse highlights the companies' dependence on the performance of certain financial Institutions.
Why You Should Excel in Credit Management Posted on14 Feb 2023Tagscredit managementComments0 There is much more to Credit Management today than ever before and the role of the modern-day Credit Manager is much more complexed. Those who excel in credit management have a great deal to gain. Do you have what it takes?
Are You Fit for Credit in the Current Economic Climate? Posted on02 Dec 2022Tagscredit managementComments0 Are You Fit for Credit in the Current Economic Climate?
Why is Cash Collection a challenge for Fortune 500 companies? Posted on01 Sep 2022Tagscash coolection, credit management, o2cComments0 What cash collection people see as the largest issues to overcome in order to collect accounts receivables on time...
Cash Collector: The hero of the company? Posted on19 May 2022TagsCash Collection, credit managementComments0 Are you a Cash Collector? 7 reasons why your job is indispensable for every company...
Ukraine Crisis – Credit Managers Must Think Outside the Box Posted on08 Mar 2022Tagscredit management, Crisis, economics, Russia, ukraine, WarComments0 In this article we provide some snippet recommendations of what credit managers can do to save what can be saved, when trading with customers in Russia and in Ukraine...
Accelerating efficiencies in Credit Management. How to find time to Innovate and Improve work-life balance? Posted on07 May 2021Tagsbest practices, credit management, shared services, virtual panelComments0 Klara Boor, Managing Director, Klass Academy moderated the discussion on this panel. The topic was about accelerating efficiencies in Credit Management and finding time to Innovate and Improve work-life balance ...
New Credit Management Short Live Courses Posted on04 Mar 2021Tagscredit management, credit scoring, credit training, live courseComments0 You will be pleased to learn that Klass Academy launches SHORT (1 day) CREDIT MANAGEMENT LIVE COURSES…
Covid Proof Credit Scoring Posted on26 Feb 2021Tagscovid proof, credit management, credit scoring, live courseComments0 Do you believe there is such a thing as Covid Proof Credit Scoring? Well, maybe not. However, there is such a thing as Commercially Minded Credit Management and Credit Scoring…