Ukraine Crisis – Credit Managers Must Think Outside the Box Posted on08 Mar 2022Tagscredit management, Crisis, economics, Russia, ukraine, WarComments0 In this article we provide some snippet recommendations of what credit managers can do to save what can be saved, when trading with customers in Russia and in Ukraine...
Is Networking for you? Even if you’re an introvert? Posted on24 Feb 2022Tagsdigital era networking, face to face, networking, online, social networkComments0 I’ve spent the past 28 years in the refrigeration appliance market, and working with less than 30 clients...
Klass Academy: Achievements & Goals Posted on31 Jan 2022Tags2022, Achievements, finance, Goals, trainingComments0 In 2021, the digitalized training and consultancy company “KLASS ACADEMY” became a familiar name to many global companies within Credit Management, Order to Cash & Finance disciplines....
The Human touch Posted on21 Dec 2021TagsCustomer service, Human interaction, TechnologyComments0 Most people, in every walk of life, will naturally emphasise the importance of the “human touch” when it comes to customer services ....
Efficiency and improvements in Order to cash Roundtable Posted on30 Nov 2021TagsEfficient, order to cash, RoundtableComments0 In September, Klass academy and Forums International teamed up to host an esteemed panel to discuss efficiency improvements and innovations in the order to cash process...
Microlearning. The future of learning from a Gen Z perspective Posted on04 Nov 2021TagsEfficient, Future of learning, MicrolearningComments0 There is nothing more harmonious than the words microlearning and Gen Z together. Microlearning has changed over the years from a taboo to a necessity in today’s day and age....
How will innovation shape Order to Cash Posted on27 Oct 2021Tagsefficiency, innovation, lead time, lean, order to cash, SigmaComments0 Recently an Improvement and Innovation forum was held by Forums International. So how will these improvements shape Order to Cash?...
Squirrels in the Park Posted on12 Oct 2021TagsDealing with clients, negotiations, Non paymentComments0 You might find it hard to believe a reason for non-payment I was once given was “The squirrels in the park have bitten through our computer cables, and our systems are down.”....
How to get what you want in your professional career Posted on28 Sep 2021Tagsleadership, leadership management, training, women leadersComments0 In many organisations in the past, but until this day, they still recruit and select their talent and their leaders from a part of the talent pool...