5. Improving payments from large companies e-class
Price€ 159

Statistics show that large companies often pay slower than small and medium sized businesses.
In this interactive e-class, delegates will learn what approach to take if their largest customers are slow payers, whatever the reason.
Anyone who needs to deal with large companies; anyone who needs to collect cash; control large contracts; or resolve queries.
The e-class contains 11 chapters including
• 26 short videos
• 32 interactive exercises and
• 1 summary quiz
Supplementary materials
4 hours
Section 15.1 Objectives
Lecture 15.1.1 Objectives
Lecture 25.1.2 Opening
Section 25.2 What do statistics tell us?
Lecture 35.2.1 Payment Report
Lecture 45.2.2 Interactive Exercise
Lecture 55.2.3 Summary
Section 35.3 Reasons behind the delays
Lecture 65.3.1 Why not on time?
Lecture 75.3.2 Interctive Exercise
Lecture 85.3.3 Summary
Section 45.4 Root Causes
Lecture 95.4.1 Order To Cash
Lecture 105.4.2 A real case
Lecture 115.4.3 Interactive Exercise
Lecture 125.4.4 Summary
Section 55.5 The Perfect Contract
Lecture 135.5.1 Cross-functional Team
Lecture 145.5.2 Interactive Exercise
Lecture 155.5.3 Summary
Section 65.6 Meet their requirements
Lecture 165.6.1 Support their objectives
Lecture 175.6.2 Be familiar with the organisation
Lecture 185.6.3 Interactive Exercise
Lecture 195.6.4 Summary
Section 75.7 Map the Process
Lecture 205.7.1 What is a "Lean" Process
Lecture 225.7.3 Interactive Exercise
Lecture 235.7.4 Summary
Lecture 245.7.5 The Kaizen event
Lecture 255.7.6 Interactive Exercise
Lecture 265.7.7 Summary
Section 85.8 Large customer's impact
Lecture 275.8.1 Analyse first
Lecture 285.8.2 Interactive Exercise
Lecture 295.8.3 Interactive Exercise
Lecture 305.8.4 Interactive Exercise
Lecture 315.8.5 Summary
Section 95.9 Pursue collections
Lecture 325.9.1 Understand and Chase
Lecture 345.9.3 Interactive Exercise
Lecture 355.9.4 Summary
Section 105.10 Financial Difficulties
Lecture 365.10.1 Deal smartly with exposure
Lecture 375.10.2 Interactive Exercise
Lecture 385.10.3 Summary
Section 115.11 Closing
Lecture 395.11.1 Summary
Lecture 405.11.2 Supplementary materials
Lecture 415.11.3 Feedback form
Lecture 425.11.4 e-class Quiz
Final Quiz